Dijon Mustard in Dijon

Oh the infamy!  Unlike the hallowed and protected name of Champagne, did you even know, dear reader, that so many so called "Dijon" mustards are not longer even manufactured in Dijon? Or  even that the mustard seeds might be from elsewhere, like CANADA even?! (Though yeah some people speak French there so that's something I GUESS).

Heh anyways. Well although this could be a more enticing looking food post with a Chicken Dijonnaise it's somewhat fitting that it's just the plain old mustard. Just as with our vanilla custard post the seeds from this useful little plant have a great culinary history. Sure, it's likely it initially came of the Romans but my goodness it's in Dijon, France, that this whole mustard thing (and not too long after) really took off.

To be honest it's my favourite mustard variety too. A good level of bite as well as some versatility. It's a proper mustard and, if you haven't tried proper mustard I recommend it to you. Go on, treat yourself to a nice ham, mustard and cheese sandwich. I'll wait.

Oh, yeah, so that's me in the town of Dijon, in the Burgundy region of France.
