English Muffin in England

Those of you who know me personally will quite possibly have heard my rant on this subject. Possibly more than once. It's one of my favourite rants.

So listen up: what we have here is a muffin. Should be nothing to see here move along, but no. I wish. At some point people started to call the things I grew up with as "Muffins" "English muffins". Why? I want to know why. These things I used to (And still do! Oh yes.) call "Cupcakes" started being called "Muffins" instead. Well, although the whole thing is clearly stupid let it not be said about me that I cannot embrace change, so here's one for ya from now on I'm calling the other things "American muffins"! Deal with it.


See, they know it's just a muffin.

That aside I was quite interested in the quality and consistency of the muffin. The ones we get here in Australia tend to be faker... I suppose like comparing supermarket white bread with a bakery wholegrain.
