Hungarian Goulash in Hungary

...and boy was I hungry! *drum solo*
Ah the comforting familiar Goulash, or gulyás as it should probably be called. Certainly another example of a food name taken into the welcoming arms of English. Much like biro. And coach. But, ah just don't go and eat a biro ok? Or a coach.
This was taken near the obligatory visit to the local castle/palace thing, in Budapest, which is a lovely place. People were very nice too, especially as all I could manage was hello. But, yes it was certainly more soup like (doubtless more authentic) than what I was accustomed to, although geez Heinz don’t even rate goulash high enough to even list it as "Soup", "Meat" or even "Quick Serve Meals". What is it then, what is it? A thought that plagues me, very much in the same way as so called "Notdogs" assail my mind.
