Vienna Schnitzel in Vienna (Wiener schnitzel in Wien)

Big effort to look stoked for this one. I dunno about you, but when I order a schnitzel I kinda expect something with it.... Perhaps some token salad, maybe a little garnish. We received: one piece of lemon each. The chips you see in the picture were purchased as we were hungry and thought we'd need "extra". Ahh, those Austrians! So literal! Anyway you may wonder why I rant a little, but although I realise I was at a touristy place, when paying that much (I wonder if I still have the receipt somewhere) you expect something a little more "gourmet"! Maybe we had one of the ones with the gold dust mixed into the batter...

Anyway... I searched really hard for a link to an amusingly shaped schnitzel – perhaps one resembling the Virgin Mary, or some famous historical figure. I tried, really I did.

Well. It would appear it isn't just affluent bürgers eating gold. You can read about that little way of showing off just how much you approve of excess here, here and here. Oh and you can drink it too (no liquid gold jokes please).


As it turns out, in Germany at least, just about anything crumbed and vaguely schnitzel like is termed "Wiener Art" (Vienna Style).

Like only Austrians crumb and fry.

Reminds me of "Polish Pancakes, Hungarian Style". They are potato you see. Cos, maybe potato is something to be ashamed of? (Well to that I say GIVE ME POTATO OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!!)