A Hamburger in Hamburg

Check out my look of shocked disbelief in this photo as I clutch the tiny, rapidly cooling but surprisingly expensive hamburger. I'd planned to hunt around for a really nice gourmet style hamburger but all I could find in time was this cheap McDonalds wanna be. (Now there's an ambition for ya!) Staff weren't that nice either.

Shame Hesburger, shame. There was some speculation on my travelling companion's part that the chain was named after a certain famous nazi, but in the end this turned out to be simply that, speculation. Well...probably.

Don’t forget to check out the nutritional information in this fact packed linked article. And some controversial stuff about ham. Oh yes ham. Many is the shocked hour I spent when I found out that they aren’t usually made from ham. Spamburgers however usually are.

* Stop press! I know I use wikipedia a lot in this (ok I'm lazy), but their article on the hamburger was just pointed out to me.

"Although Hamburg, Germany is credited for the precursor to the hamburger, the origins of the first "modern" hamburger are often debated among scholars."

So check it out, marvel at the new knowledge you gain... like learning the existence of the Monster Thickburger. But geez "modern" hamburger - who cares! They trace it to Hamburg from the Mongols putting meat under their saddles to get tenderised and for me that's where it stops!

UPDATE: I just noticed this interesting discussion about language and the evolution of the word hamburger.
